Public procurement

The dynamically changing area of ​​public procurement requires constant attention concerning its legal framework. Our firm offers comprehensive legal services in both below-limit and above-limit regime for both contracting authorities and contractors, i.e. bidders.

We provide legal advice to contracting authorities already in the stages of selecting the appropriate tender procedure and processing the tender documentation, and subsequently during the tender procedure, including the preparation of the relevant documents (certificates, reports, drafts of the decision to exclude a bidder from the tender procedure, decisions to select the contractor and decisions on objections).

We provide legal advice to contractors, especially for preparing a tender, including the preparation of the relevant documentation, selection of documents to prove basic and professional qualifications, as well as economic and technical qualifications.

In the course of the tender procedure, we provide advice on the explanation of the bid, processing of the objections, and the preparation of a proposal for reviewing the contracting authority’s acts. We also provide contracting authorities and contractors with legal representation services within tender procedures before the Office for the Protection of Competition and, of course, in administrative proceedings.